Our Technology
We upgrade our skills and invest in the latest technology.
STA Technology
‘The Wand’ is a computerized anaesthetic delivery system that can control the rate of delivery of the anaesthetic solution. By controlling the speed of the injection the pain associated is minimized. The Wand is a pen-like device that can remove the main fear factor and make the injection process less intimidating.
Digital X-Ray/Kodak Wall Mount
Dental Health Centre uses the most up-to-date digital x-ray technology that emits one quarter of x-ray dosage than traditional film x-rays to produce a sharp image. The image transcribes immediately into the computer to give diagnostic readings. Kodak RVG 6100 is one of the industry leading x-ray sensor and works compatibly with the Kodak digital purpose x-ray generator.
Intra Oral Camera
Intra-oral camera is a small camera that goes inside the oral cavity to take close up images of teeth or restorations. It comes in very handy in helping patients visualising potential problems raised.
Ceiling Mount TV
Patient can enjoy the entertainment from overhead television. From live-stream Youtube to Big Bang Theory the TV helps patient relax and enjoy the whole experience; especially for a child’s first visit!
Contact Details
Contact our friendly team to book your appointment today!
and live a pain-free life.